Twitter Easy Tips for Success

Take a look at our simple top steps for using Twitter successfully. There is much more to squeeze from Twitter for your personal brand and business, so if you want to know more drop me a message. See our website as well.


Twitter Tips | Focus Ecommerce and Marketing
  • Research shows it is better to use something close to your own name
  • For example I have converted mine to @mick_latter
  • This supports your personal brand
  • You need a strong BIO that’s states up front what you can do for people
  • Use a strong personal photo
  • The Banner photo is a chance to show your company


Twitter Content | Focus Ecommerce and Marketing
  • Short, sharp and snappy.
  • Aim for 70-100 characters not the full 280.
  • Always use media to attract Text only is a fail.
  • Video is a winner.
  • Use hyperlinked content sparingly.
  • Twitter prefers content that runs on their platform.
  • What does your target audience want to see and engage with?


Twitter Hashtags | Focus Ecommerce and Marketing
  • Use them! 3-4 per post.
  • Place at the end of your text – they are references to your content not to drive people away.
  • Research your Hashtags first.
  • Use ones that relate to you and will get you engagement.
  • Couple of tools:


Twiiter Tags | Focus Ecommerce and Marketing
  • Twitter is designed for interaction.
  • So @tag someone into your conversation.
  • Check if they are actually active on Twitter – when did they last post? Don’t waste that @tag.
  • Only include 1-2 @tags in a post.
  • Place at the end of your post or people who read your content might click that @tag and you have lost them.

If you’re looking for help & advice on social media or any other digital marketing or ecommerce issues, please do get in touch


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